The Coalition for Renewable Natural Gas (RNG Coalition or Coalition) is the trade association and advocacy voice for the Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) industry in North America.
RNG Coalition was founded on July 7, 2011 by Johannes Escudero and David Cox with the support of eight founding member companies. Today, the RNG Coalition represents more than 400 member companies whose individual and collective areas of experience and expertise bolster the Coalition’s platform and amplify the organization’s advocacy voice.
Together, we advocate for and educate elected officials and the general public about the energy reliability, sustainability, and global and local environmental and economic benefits of renewable gas (RNG, CO2, RH2).
Advocacy and education inform public policy. Public policies influence markets - regulated and voluntary. Markets drive demand. Demand determines value. Value impacts revenue. Revenue correlates with sustainability.
Our members represent more than 98% of the RNG produced in North America by volume. We are feedstock and technology neutral and support all sustainable end-use applications of RNG. We seek recognition and inclusion of RNG as an essential element of any alternative or renewable energy or fuel standard or program.
We advocate for favorable treatment of RNG, CO2 and RH2 as viable investments and alternative energy resources in Federal, State and Provincial laws and regulations.
We are proud of our diverse and international membership comprised of producers and consumers, consultants, small businesses, large corporations, municipalities and non-profit representatives of each sector of the RNG value chain, including: waste collection, waste management and recycling companies, renewable energy project developers, engineers, financiers, banks, investors, gas and power marketers, gas and power transporters, technology manufacturers and service providers, environmental advocates, research organizations, universities, innovators, labor unions, law firms, power and transportation companies, fueling stations, fleets, cities, counties, airports, ports, municipalities, public and investor owned utilities.
The Coalition for Renewable Natural Gas, Inc. (RNG Coalition or Coalition) advocates and educates for the sustainable development, deployment and utilization of renewable natural gas, so that present and future generations will have access to domestic, renewable, clean fuel, heat, power, products and services.
The Sustainable Methane Abatement & Recycling Timeline (SMART) aims to capture and control methane produced from the 43,000+ aggregated organic waste sites in North America by 2050, achieving meaningful benchmarks by 2025, 2030 and 2040.
Read more about the work being done to achieve SMART here.
We will think, plan and develop with the RNG industry’s collective best near- and long-term interests in mind, including as we make progress towards achieving our SMART initiative.
We will advance our shared mission, and in doing so, serve all Coalition Members with professional, personal and timely attention - and strive to exceed all expectations.
We will provide a clear, strong, unified voice for the RNG industry in North America.
We will listen to and value feedback from all Coalition Members.
We will advocate and educate elected officials, lawmakers, regulators and the general public, for the protection and sustainable advancement of RNG and the RNG industry.
We will clearly and consistently communicate pertinent information to our Members in the most timely and professional manner possible.
We will respect and keep Member’s confidential business information private.
RNG Coalition will provide policy advocacy and education to help ensure sustainability and growth for RNG and to improve recognition of the renewable natural gas process (methane mitigation) as a critical part of the solution to global climate change.
In 2015, we established an organizational priority to help enable the industry to double the number of operating RNG projects in North America from 47 to 100 RNG projects by 2025. In July 2019 we exceeded our 2025 priority (100 operating RNG facilities) five and a half years ahead of schedule. In the last 18 months, more RNG facilities have been developed than were brought online during the industry’s first 30 years of existence (1982-2011).
During the Opening Keynote of our 2019 RNG CONFERENCE our Founder and CEO cast the vision for our Sustainable Methane Abatement & Recycling Timeline (SMART) - a call to capture and control the methane produced from the 43,000+ aggregated organic waste sites in North America by 2050, achieving meaningful benchmarks by 2025, 2030 and 2040.
In order to scale and achieve SMART by 2050, we are targeting the development of 500 RNG projects by 2025 and 1,000 by 2030.
Develop the Sustainable Methane Abatement and Recycling Timeline (SMART).
Create an action plan and interim targets to capture, control and deploy the methane produced from every site in North America where organic waste is aggregated by 2050.
Advance Pro-RNG Policies that grow demand in fuel, heat, power and products.
Bolster RNG’s environmental credibility.
Enhance RNG’s economic competitiveness.
Expand RNG access to residential, commercial and industrial customers in diverse markets – regulated and voluntary - without losing sight of the fundamentals and the principal markets that have brought us to this point.
Improve Member engagement through active Leadership Advisory Boards and consistent communication.
Stability in the RFS.
Actively engage with EPA, the White House and Congress to ensure that the RIN market is balanced and supports Advanced and Cellulosic Biofuel growth.
Grow relationships in Congress to develop ‘RNG Champions.’
Expand engagement with FERC.
Support biofuel tax credits.
Expedite new pathway consideration while ensuring any new volumes is accounted for in the annual RVO.
Create a New York LCFS.
Build on Coalition efforts to enact an LCFS policy in New York.
Legislative direction to utilize RNG to help meet state energy and transportation objectives.
Legislative direction to study RNG feedstock availability, identify barriers, and offer policy recommendations to overcome barriers.
Authorize, incentivize or require the utilization of gas from renewable sources.
Support LCFS legislation where introduced.
Provide cost relief for pipeline interconnections.
Authorize, incentivize or require gas utilities to conduct RNG injection pilot projects.
Deem RNG projects to be “carbon free” for the purposes of various climate change programs.
Create funds to provide grants to facilitate RNG project development.
Create a tax exemption or tax credit for investments in biomethane facilities.
Gain Authorization for Utility Procurement.
Clear regulatory hurdles for Utility procurement and sale of RNG.
Ensure favorable treatment of RNG in established LCFS programs.
Advance RNG’s role in building decarbonization.
Support state-sponsored and regional RNG and LCFS studies.
Promote RNG in RPS programs.
Intervene in gas quality tariffs to ensure reasonable access rules that ensure pipeline integrity.