RNG Coalition Members

RNG Coalition members are a vested group of entities and individuals, joined under a common cause - engaging, sharing resources, perspective and expertise. Together, we work to further our shared mission and vision.
RNG Coalition is proud to lead and represent the full Renewable Natural Gas value chain - from Fortune 500 companies to small business, ports and non-profit organizations - including feedstock owners, waste collection, waste management and recycling companies, renewable energy developers, engineers, financiers, investors, gas and electric power marketers, gas and power transporters, fueling stations, fleets and transportation companies, technology manufacturers & service providers, environmental advocates, research organizations, organized labor, law firms, cities, counties, airports, ports, municipalities, universities and utilities.
RNG Coalition Membership Roster
Baker Engineering and Risk Consultants
California State Council of Laborers
City & County of Denver - Department of Public Health and Environment
Columbia-Willamette Clean Cities
Dallas-Fort Worth Clean Cities
Dane County Dept of Waste & Renewables
Eastern Pennsylvania Alliance for Clean Transportation
General Construction Industries
Greater Washington Region Clean Cities Coalition
Houston-Galveston Clean Cities Coalition
International Union of Operating Engineers
Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton
Law Offices of Jeremy Weinstein
Lone Star Clean Fuels Alliance
Natural Gas Association of Georgia
New Jersey Clean Cities Coalition
North Florida Clean Fuels Coalition
Northern Colorado Clean Cities
Percheron Professional Services
Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman
Pittsburgh Region Clean Cities
Rogue Environmental Industries
Sacramento Clean Cities Coalition
United States Tax Credit Alliance
University of California, Office of the President
University of California, Riverside
University of California, San Diego
Valley of the Sun Clean Cities Coalition