Veolia and Waga Energy Inaugurate a Renewable Natural Gas Production Unit in Southeastern France
Since the landfill site was operational, gas has been upgraded in the form of electricity by cogeneration engines. The WAGABOX® unit has been operational since April 11, 2024, and adds to the system to increase renewable energy production. Capable of processing 600m3/h (375 Scfm) of raw gas, it can produce up to 25 GWh (85,300 MMbtu) of RNG per year, supply around 3,500 homes, and prevent emissions of more than 4,000 tons of eqCO2 per year into the atmosphere.
Thanks to the WAGABOX® technology, developed and patented by Waga Energy, the gas spontaneously emitted by landfilled waste is upgraded into RNG, a substitute for fossil-based natural gas. This RNG is injected directly into the gas distribution network to supply homes and businesses.